f3 – Masterclass Portrait

Sibylle Fendt 


The f3 – MASTERCLASS PORTRAIT is aimed at photographers and photo artists who are mainly involved in the genre of portrait photography. For ten months, the renowned photographer and lecturer Sibylle Fendt will supervise the participants’ projects on 12 teaching days (6 blocks of 2 days each). These projects may be in their early stages or already advanced.

In an intensive dialogue with the lecturer, the participants deal with questions such as: “How do I approach a person I want to photograph?” “What is the relationship between me and my protagonists?” “How is this reflected in my work?” “Which photographic approaches do I pursue?” “What makes a successful portrait series?” In the end: “What do I want to tell and how?”

In regular project presentations the participants learn to talk about their work and to analyse their projects in terms of visual language, technique and approach. In addition to the creative/artistic examination of the series, the seminar also covers questions about the organisation of exhibitions, the sale of pictures, the publication and marketing of photographs – in short, everything that belongs to the everyday professional life of successful photographers and photo artists.

The aim of the f3 – MASTERCLASS PORTRÄT is to develop an independent, intensive series. The photographic works of the participants will be presented to a broad public in mid 2021 in an exhibition at f3 – freiraum für fotografie.

SCOPE: 12 teaching days of 7 hours each, always Friday/Saturday
DURATION: Mid September 2020 – Mid June 2021
BEGINNING: September 18th/19th, 2020
DATES: 20-21 November 2020, 15-16 January 2021, 12-13 March 2021, 7-8 May 2021, 16-17 June 2021
FINAL EXHIBITION: f3 – freiraum für fotografie, mid-June 2021
LOCATION: f3 – freiraum für fotografie, Waldemarstraße 17, 10179 Berlin
COST: 1.200 € plus tax
PAYMENT: 780 € at registration; 420 € before the second date
APPLICATION: The closing date for applications is 30 August 2020, 24:00
Please send the following documents to masterclass-fendt@fhochdrei.org
– Curriculum vitae including documentation of previous projects, exhibitions, books, publications (max. 2 A4 pages)
– Portfolio of about 20 photographs
– Exposé of the project you would like to realize within the framework of the f3 – MASTERCLASS PORTRAIT (max. 1 Din A4 page)

Participants will be selected by 1 September 2020.

LECTURER: Sibylle Fendt was born in Karlsruhe in 1974. After completing a degree in photography at the University of Applied Sciences in Bielefeld, she moved to Berlin in 2002, where she still lives today. In 2003 she was part of the World Press Photo Masterclass. In 2003-2005 Sibylle Fendt was a guest student in the class of Wolfgang Tillmans at the Frankfurt Art Academy. Since 2010 she is a member of Ostkreuz-Agentur der Fotografen. Sibylle Fendt works as a commissioned photographer for magazines and companies in the field of portrait and social documentary photography, teaches photography at various universities and works continuously on free long-term projects that are exhibited internationally. Her subjects are social exclusion, gender studies, psychological, social, illness-related crises and simply “normal” life. The portrait is the focus of her work.

More information is available at: https://www.ostkreuz.de/fotografen/sibylle-fendt/ and http://www.sibyllefendt.de

Photo: © Sibylle Fendt, from the series Gärtners Reise.