Portfolio-Review Rich and Famous 2024

8. June

The Portfolio Review RICH AND FAMOUS 2024 gives photographers and photo artists from Berlin the opportunity to present their work to renowned experts from magazines, exhibition institutions and galleries in 20-minute one-to-one talks. The portfolio review is an ideal opportunity to make your work known to decision-makers in the industry, make new professional contacts, expand your own networks and exchange ideas with nice colleagues.

Cost for three 20-minute appointments: 50 Euro!
The programme is funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) and the City of Berlin. Therefore, only photographers and photo artists from Berlin can participate.

f³–freiraum für fotografie, Waldemarstraße 17, 10179 Berlin
PARTICIPATION FEE: 50 Euro for three 20-minute appointments
APPLICATION: You can only apply via the application form. You can select up to four of your preferred reviewers. We will try to take your wishes into account when allocating the dates, but cannot guarantee interviews with all the experts you have selected.

APPLICATION DEADLINE: 3 May 2024, 23:59 hrs

You can download more information about the reviewers here.
We are looking forward to you and to an exciting day!