27. October 2020 , 19:00

In everyday life and in the media, more and more communication takes place through the visual. The increasing flow of images, on the other hand, requires a superficial, rapid and serial reception of images. Thereby images can be quickly over-looked.

But what happens when we as the recipients decelerate our perception?

PHOTO IN CONTEXT explores this question and focuses on a single photograph. We will take the time – 90 minutes – to see the picture in its fullness. In doing so, we want to test our usual viewing habits: we focus on the individual elements of the picture in their interaction, on their interpretation and meaning, and the effect on us as viewers, which can unfold and change over time.

Invited are all those who are interested in reflecting on their viewing habits in a global context and who would like to explore a new perspective on the image in detail.

PHOTO IN CONTEXT is accompanied and moderated by the photographer, educator and cultural mediator Mara Klein.

The number of participants is limited. Therefore we ask for advance registration by Nicole Wozniak: The event will take place in German.

Admission: 5 € | reduced 3 €

PHOTO IN CONTEXT takes place as part of the project Medienkompetenz stärken. Funded by Engagement Global on behalf of BMZ, Berlin Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises.

Image: © Mara Klein / Artwork: Shirin Abedi