24. June

We cordially invite you to the opening of the exhibition

Focus on the Margins

With works by: Mohamad Abdouni, Michael Bailey-Gates, Maika Elan, Milan Gies, Julia Gunther, Robin Hammond, Claudia Kent, Clifford Prince King, Laurence Rasti, Bradley Secker, Shahria Sharmin, Melody Melamed, Laurence Philomène, Pauliana Valente Pimentel, Soraya Zaman

Greetings: Layla Al-Zubaidi (Deputy Head of International Cooperation, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung).
Introduction: Katharina Mouratidi, Artistic Director f3 – freiraum für fotografie, in conversation with photographers participating in the show.

New Queer Photography is dedicated to all queer people who suffer for their way of life, fight for it, or simply celebrate it.

Julia Gunther takes us on a lesbian beauty pageant in a South African township in her series Rainbow Girls, Bradley Seckerportrays LGBTIQ+ asylum seekers from the Middle East who are forced to work as prostitutes in Turkey in SEXugees, Shahria Sharmin documents the lives of Hijras, who have been tolerated as transgender and intersex people on the Indian subcontinent for centuries, Milan Gies deals with prevailing body images in Europe in his work State of Identity, in The Pink Choice, Maika Elan portrays everyday queer life in Vietnam, and Clifford Prince King shares intimate moments between gay black people and people of colour in the USA.

For more than four years, dedicated art director and editor Benjamin Wolbergs has collected perspectives from queer photographers from all over the world for his publication New Queer Photography: in addition to works from Europe and the USA, there are series from India, Lebanon, South Africa, Vietnam and the Cape Verde Islands. They use the artistic space to play with genders and ascribed role models without prejudice or danger. In their experimental artistic practice, the authors of the images reflect the attitude to life of a new and young generation of queer people who – despite discrimination – live their identity with self-confidence and pride.

The exhibition was curated by Katharina Mouratidi and Benjamin Wolbergs.

Photo: Self Portrait, 2018. © Michael Bailey-Gates, courtesy The Ravestijn Gallery.

In Kooperation with: Heinrich Böll Stiftung e. V.

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