Guided tour every first Sunday of the month in f3 – freiraum für fotografie.
Every first Sunday of the month, we warmly invite you to our free exhibition tour FOTO FÜHRUNG at 11 am. We present you the current exhibition, give background information and share our anecdotes with you. You will learn more about the biographies and working methods of the photographers presented and how the exhibition came about. Well-founded first-hand information gives you insights into the curatorial concept and arranges the photographs artistically-historically.
On October 6, and November 3, 2019 Visual Historian Miriam Zlobinski will guide you through the exhibition GREENPEACE PHOTO AWARD.
Free Admission.
The FOTO FÜHRUNG takes place in the context of the project XB-Lab.
Funded by: Modellprogramm „Utopolis – Soziokultur im Quartier“ im Rahmen der ressortübergreifenden Strategie Soziale Stadt „Nachbarschaften stärken, Miteinander im Quartier“ des Bundesministeriums des Innern, für Bau und Heimat und der Beauftragten für Kultur und Medien.