17. July 2018 , 19:00

(SA, 52 Min., Engl.)

After the film screening, Ncumisa Mdlokolo, queer activist, Cape Town (South Africa) and Peggy Piesche, adviser feminism and gender democracy, Gunda Werner Institute (Berlin), talk about the genesis of the film and the significance of the large-scale project “Displaced”.

According to the South African Constitutional Court, queer / lesbian / gay relationships are an integral part of the legal and gender social fabric. Nevertheless, they continue to face various forms of discrimination and violence. The documentary “Displaced: Black and Queer” (SA, 52 min., Engl.) investigates the realities of life of young queer blacks in South Africa after apartheid. The film focuses on people who demand space for themselves and are tired of constantly having to fight for their right to exist as black people with a queer identity. The film by Siv Greyson and Ncumisa Mdlokolo provides a deep insight into the fragmentation of black and queer existence within a limited “freedom for queer people”.

The film concept is simple: People with different identities are asked to comment on different keywords in front of the camera, including “coming out”, “personal pronoun”, “gender identity”, “violence” and “men”. Once again, the truths about their everyday reality, which can be heard from their open answers, make it clear that their experiences, their history, their present and their future must be documented.

The event will be held in English.

In cooperation with: Heinrich Böll Foundation.

Admission: 5 Euro | reduced 3 Euro